
When your child begins teething, this can obviously be an exciting moment for parents. Your child is growing their first teeth, after all, it’s something to be celebrated! Even so, it isn’t the most comfortable period of time for your infant. Luckily, there are things you can do to make the process much more comfortable for your little one!

When your child begins teething, this can obviously be an exciting moment for parents. Your child is growing their first teeth, after all, it’s something to be celebrated! Even so, it isn’t the most comfortable period of time for your infant. Luckily, there are things you can do to make the process much more comfortable for your little one!

What is Teething?

In order to help your child through their teething process, it may first help to know exactly what teething is. Teething is the process by which your child begins growing their primary set of teeth. It’s important that these teeth are well taken care of, as they will be around until your child reaches the age of six or seven years old. While these teeth are emerging, they may cause some swelling and discomfort for your child. In the process of adapting to the emerging teeth, they will likely experience sore gums. Rest assured that the process is completely natural and your child will make it through just fine! 

Teething Relief Remedies

If your child is going through the process, there are numerous toys and items available for sale that could help! You can chill teething rings in the refrigerator and let your child hold them in their mouth to numb their gums. Chilled pacifiers will work the same way and additionally help to alleviate discomfort. To alleviate the irritation in your child’s gums, you can also massage them gently. Be sure not to freeze teething toys or pacifiers for any period of time if you choose to use them. The freezing temperatures are too cold and could cause further discomfort to their mouths.

If you have any questions about your child’s teething process, please contact our office or schedule an appointment. Our team is happy to assist you with any questions you may have or to offer suggestions while your child is teething.

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