To keep your child’s smile healthy, our office in Trussville, AL offers routine, professional cleaning and exam services! Our dental team will ensure that the oral health of your child receives the attention it deserves. After cleaning your child’s mouth, we will perform a careful examination of their entire mouth. It will help to determine whether any treatments are needed or if any problem areas need to be addressed. If your child needs their teeth cleaned and examined, contact our office today or schedule their appointment online!
Professional Cleaning
If your child brushes and flosses regularly, we are super proud of them! However, it’s still imperative that they get a professional cleaning every six months. Sometimes plaque and tartar can form in places that are difficult to reach. This eventually causes tooth decay. During your child’s appointment, we will pay special attention to areas in the back of the mouth or between the teeth to thoroughly clean them. We may offer advice or recommendations for techniques or special tools they can use in the future to clean these areas more effectively.
Regular examinations will be performed to assess your child’s overall oral health condition at each appointment. The examination will be performed to check their mouth, lips, and throat for anything unusual occurring. Our exams can be used to diagnose conditions such as gum disease or signs of tooth grinding. By bringing your child in for their examinations, you get them ahead of the problem and provide ample time for the issue to be resolved before it progresses.
Laying the Foundation for a Healthy Smile
Regular examinations and cleanings give your child the best chance of maintaining healthy teeth throughout their lifetime. As a team, we are dedicated to providing your child with everything they need to succeed. It all begins with a thorough cleaning and exam followed by helpful advice for better dental health by the next appointment! Contact our office in Trussville, AL today or schedule online at your convenience and introduce your child to the best dental care possible!